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Authentication Summary

Authentication is a two part process where both parts must meet requirements for access to be granted.

1.     The "first part" is a "profile" log-in: an email/password combination which is set up by each individual user during "Registration" (all of this information is provided by you the user and does not require any additional information from Kantar).  You will use the same log-in for all Kantar online resources; therefore there is no need to register for each separately.

2.     The "second part" is the actual application authorization.  This part is mostly transparent to the user and is set up by Kantar when the subscription is started.

Detailed Authentication Walkthrough

The "first part" (profile log-in)

1.     Users are required to create a "profile" account by registering using standard internet practices similar to Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft.  Click on the "Register" link from the log-in screen to fill out the information shown in the image below (You will use the same profile log-in for all Kantar online resources; therefore there is no need to register for each separately).

2.     After registering you can log in to your "profile" account through the log-in prompt.


3.     If at any point in the future you forget the password you have created, which is linked to the company email supplied during account creation, click on the "Forgot your password?" link on the log-in prompt and then enter your email address in the "Recover your password" prompt, shown below, that comes up.

You will be sent an email, similar to the following:

Clicking on the link in the email will allow you to reset your password using the "Reset Password" prompt shown below.


The "second part"

After logging into your "profile", if you have a current subscription you should be automatically redirected to the application. If you get the following screen, then either you are trying to access from a remote location, or your subscription needs additional set up.

If you have previously successfully accessed the application and are currently trying to access remotely, you will be sent an email similar to the following which will allow you to extend your access (more information on off-site/remote access can be found below.)

Off-site (Remote) Access

In situations where users require temporary off-site access, the following solutions are available (in all instances, browser cookies must be enabled):

A "grace period" is automatically in effect for any user who has successfully accessed a given resource, from within their company network, within 30 days of the attempted off-site access provided they are using the same laptop and that laptop had cookies enabled at the time of the successful access.

If off-site access is attempted 1) after 30 days; 2) from a different computer; 3) or from the same computer (in cases where cookies were deleted), then a user can request temporary access by clicking on the Grace Period Link which is automatically emailed to you if you get the Access Denied screen after logging in (NOTE: at least one successful "on-site" access must have been made some time in the past before any grace period extension will be granted).